The Evolution …. and Death of the VPN

The complexity of business environments is off the charts. And, the days of being chained to a cubicle each and every day is long gone. From telecommuting to remote offices and global workforces, IT is continually challenged with how to effectively supply access to business applications behind the firewall without impacting security of that data.

The virtual private network (VPN) came along to help solve this major pain point for IT. With the rise of broadband everywhere, the VPN quickly became the defacto way to connect to a private network behind the firewall. It’s secure, cuts costs and extends networks to individuals working outside of the physical walls of a company’s headquarters.For today’s workforce though, the VPN has outlived its purpose and is starting to phase out from company infrastructure. Cloud applications, mobile devices, lack of usability and distributed teams have all disrupted the status quo. VPN access is now cumbersome, expensive, difficult to manage, and really just an outdated technology. Users require instant access to their data on their mobile devices for accessing, storing and collaborating, and the VPN is cracking under the pressure.We recently launched a very popular webinar about the evolution and death of the VPN. Our Chief Security Officer Kris Lahiri and Co-Founder Rajesh Ram take a deep dive through the evolution of the VPN and how businesses are moving away from it to enhance user experience. Secure file management can be established without a VPN, so be sure to check out the full webinar below to learn how.This webinar is part of our ongoing webinar series that you can watch live or on demand here. With this series, we look to provide regular tips and commentary on the latest technology trends to equip our customers and other participants with the tools they need to make the right decisions for their businesses.

*Varun Kohli heads product and partner marketing for Egnyte. Over the past 10 years, Varun has held executive positions for marketing, product management and product development at both startups and large companies. He also serves on the advisory board of many startups in the valley. You can follow him on Twitter here: @vk_is.

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